face value

Inga Seidler

Inga Seidler


Inga Seidler is a curator and cultural producer who has been working with transmediale since 2012. She is particularly interested in the conjunction of aesthetic and social practices that centre around collaboration and experimentation and challenge dominant social, political, and economic protocols. Over the past years she has developed, co-produced and delivered large-scale exhibitions and performances, research, residency and publication projects – most recently in cooperation with It’s a Book.... Independent Publishing Fair and Tokyo Wonder Site. She is currently enrolled in the Cultures of the Curatorial postgraduate study program at the Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig (Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig).

Portrait of Inga Seidler


transmediale e.V., Gerichtstr. 35, D-13347 Berlin
+49 (0)30 959 994 231, info[at]